Are barnacles eaten?
- Are barnacles eaten?
- Where are Percebes found?
- Can you eat goose barnacles?
- Are gooseneck barnacles edible?
- What country eats barnacles?
- Where can I buy gooseneck barnacles?
- Are Percebes expensive?
- What barnacles taste like?
- What are percebes and what are they for?
- How do you eat percebes?
- What is the difference between Percebe and Molusco?
- Where can you find percebes in Spain?

Are barnacles eaten?
Believe it or not, barnacles are edible and delicious! That's right, these creatures, commonly considered to be pests of the sea, can be harvested and prepared like any other seafood (provided they're the right kind, of course).
Where are Percebes found?
Percebes are harvested commercially in the Iberian northern coast, mainly in Galicia and Asturias, but also in the Southwestern Portuguese coast (Alentejo) and are also imported from other countries within its range of distribution, particularly from Morocco.
Can you eat goose barnacles?
Gooseneck barnacles, also called percebes, are crustaceans that cling to rocks in places that have a strong crashing surf. In Spain and Portugal, they're considered a rare and wonderful delicacy, thanks to their sweet flesh, which tastes a bit like a cross between lobster and clam.
Are gooseneck barnacles edible?
These small crustaceans reside in the intertidal zone typically on rocks.
What country eats barnacles?
Barnacles are eaten mainly in Spain and Portugal but also end up on the plate in other European countries and are increasingly eaten in North America Only the fleshy stems of Goose Barnacle are edible.
Where can I buy gooseneck barnacles?
The goose neck barnacle is found on coastlines from southeastern Alaska to Baja California, Mexico, and possibly further south. A similar species, Pollicipes pollicipes, is found on the western shores of Europe and northern Africa.
Are Percebes expensive?
There are two reasons percebes are the most expensive seafood in the world (about $80.00 per pound). One is that they are utterly delicious, with a flavor and texture about half way between crab and razor clams, with a toothsome texture and a briny sweetness.
What barnacles taste like?
Barnacles taste familiar, and if you can get over how strange and unappealing a plate of them can look, you may also come to understand why the Spanish love them so. The rock barnacle, or picoroco, lives in a shell that looks like a miniature volcano. It tastes like crab to me, like scallops to others.
What are percebes and what are they for?
- What Are Percebes? Percebes or goose (neck) barnacles are actually crustaceans which attach themselves to the rocks in their larval stage through a cement gland. The name was given to the creatures due to a believe that was widely spread in Europe many centuries ago.
How do you eat percebes?
- Serve the cooked percebes with a squeeze of lemon and nothing more. On eating percebes: “Holding the hard shell as a handle, twist and pull the meat out from the tube of the neck, or body,” Harris instructs.
What is the difference between Percebe and Molusco?
- Percebe. El percebe es un animal marino muy resistente que habita dentro del agua o muy cerca de ella. Normalmente es confundido con un molusco debido a que posee una gruesa cáscara, pero en realidad es un crustáceo que está relacionado con los cangrejos y las langostas. Se estima que los percebes son una especie más antigua del planeta, ...
Where can you find percebes in Spain?
- In Spain and Portugal, seafood lovers prize percebes above lobster or shrimp. Come spring and fall, they're hand-harvested off the rocks in Galacia and you'd be hard pressed to miss them at local markets and restaurants during that time.