Cosa vuol dire suola in Vibram?


Cosa vuol dire suola in Vibram?

Cosa vuol dire suola in Vibram?

Vibram è sinonimo di suola per la calzatura da montagna, una componente essenziale per la sicurezza e la prestazione tecnica del prodotto. ... Da questa sinergia nascono suole che AKU adotta su molti dei propri modelli, generando un proprio standard esclusivo di prestazione.

Che significa Vibram?

Vitale Bramani decide quindi di fondare il marchio Vibram, nato dall'acronimo del suo nome e cognome ( VItale BRAMani) e di inciderlo tramite una targhetta su sfondo dorato ( quella che conosciamo anche noi tutt'ora) su tutti i suoi nuovi modelli di scarpa.

Do shoes with Vibram soles last longer?

  • Vibram soles, however, are hailed for their durability, as we have already mentioned, and have lasted for as long as 15 years for some customers. If you are a frequent hiker and explore every weekend in your shoes then they will absolutely last longer than one year, meaning you won't need to buy a new pair for a good few years.

What is the best shoe sole material?

  • Many different material are available to make good shoe sole like polyurethane, rubber, TPR(combination of polyurethane and rubber) , leather, plastic, sheet and more. Polyurethane soles are considered good in terms of durability for long walks.

What is Vibram soled shoes?

  • Vibram is the gold standard of shoe soles. It is used by over 1000 manufacturers. In 1935, Vitale Bramani, the founder of Vibram, set out to make a sole for climbing boots that offered superior traction and durability after a group of friends were killed attempting to climb Mount Everest.

What is Vibram rubber?

  • Vibram soles were first used on mountaineering boots, replacing leather soles fitted with hobnails or steel cleats, commonly used up until then. The soles produced by Vibram are called Vibram soles, Vibram rubber, or simply Vibram.

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