Che significa perdere il tatto?

Che significa perdere il tatto?
L'ipoestesia è una condizione medica caratterizzata dalla riduzione parziale o totale della sensibilità nelle sue diverse forme (tattile, termica, dolorifica). Solitamente la causa è da ricercarsi nella presenza di lesioni che interessano il sistema nervoso (sia centrale che periferico).
What does dysesthesia mean in medical terms?
- Jump to navigation Jump to search. Dysesthesia (or dysaesthesia) comes from the Greek word "dys," meaning "not-normal," and "aesthesis," which means "sensation" (abnormal sensation). It is defined as an unpleasant, abnormal sense of touch. It often presents as pain but may also present as an inappropriate, but not discomforting, sensation.
What does dysesthesia feel like in MS?
- For many people, the pain is long-lasting and hard to treat. If it's bad enough, it can keep you from your normal activities and even lead to depression. Several types of pain are associated with MS. One of the most common is called dysesthesia. What Does the Pain Feel Like? Dysesthesia means "abnormal sensation."
How does dysesthesia affect the brain?
- Consequently, the brain chooses to respond to a sensation or combination of sensations that it knows. In the case of dysesthesia, impaired nerve firing can cause the brain to stimulate abnormal, uncomfortable sensations, ranging from a mild tingling sensation to sharp, stabbing pain.
What is occlusal dysesthesia?
- Occlusal dysesthesia is an uncommon side effect or complication of dental procedures. Oral dysesthesia involves an unexplained sensation of pain or burning in the mouth or the oral structures, which include the jaw, tongue, and gums. Some doctors call it burning mouth syndrome. Doctors do not know exactly why this sensation develops.