Quanto vale una Tormalina Paraiba?

Quanto vale una Tormalina Paraiba?
La Tormalina di Paraiba in casi di rara bellezza può raggiungere una quotazione di anche 60mila dollari a carato.
Quanto costa la pietra Paraiba?
Ma lasciamo queste valutazioni a chi di dovere. Fatto sta che la Tormalina di Paraiba oggi può raggiungere in casi di estrema bellezza anche gli 80 mila dollari a carato, ed è per questo che le maison fanno a gara per aggiudicarsi le gemme più belle, le più “elettriche”.
What is paraiba tourmaline?
- Initially found in the homonym state of the Brazilian Northeast, Paraiba Tourmaline became one of the rarest and most precious gems in the world.
What is a Batalha tourmaline?
- The aura of these treasures of Nature is both fresh and spirited at the same time. These cupriferous tourmalines from the Mina da Batalha in the Federal Brazilian State of Paraiba are small, rare and precious. Their spirited turquoise to green colours are such as are not found in any other gemstone in the world.
What is the source of copper in Mozambique's Paraíba tourmalines?
- The lack of copper-rich tourmaline in pegmatites located in the upstream area of Mozambique’s Paraíba tourmaline mines leaves the copper source unknown. Further field study is necessary to better understand the source of copper in Mozambican Paraíba tourmalines.
What is a Paraíba gem?
- The gem community largely accepts paraíba as a variety name. Nevertheless, some gem dealers may refer to the gems that come from Africa as “paraíba-like” or cuprian tourmalines. However, laboratory reports from major gemological laboratories note that paraíba refers to copper content, not locality.