Cosa vuol dire odore acre?


Cosa vuol dire odore acre?

Cosa vuol dire odore acre?

– 1. Di sapore agro, piccante; estens., odore a., pungente, penetrante; suono a., stridente; Non rugghiò sì né si mostrò sì acra Tarpea (Dante).

Qual è il sinonimo di Acre?

(fig.) [di persona, comportamento, ecc., dal carattere non dolce] ≈ acido, acrimonioso, aspro, astioso, livoroso, mordace, pungente, sferzante. ↔ affabile, docile, dolce, gentile.

Qual è la cosa più puzzolente del mondo?

durian Il vincitore è il durian, che è della stessa famiglia a cui appartiene il cacao. Si tratta di un frutto con le spine del Sudest asiatico, dove è molto apprezzato. Il suo odore ricorda molte cose sgradevoli, soprattutto ai turisti.

What does an acre mean?

  • An acre is an English unit of area, which is also used in the United States and some Commonwealth countries. It is most often used to describe areas of land. By the official definition it is 4,840 square yards. It is the area of a rectangle whose long side is one furlong and short side one chain.

What is the difference between Acre and area?

  • Acre is a see also of area. As nouns the difference between acre and area is that acre is (obsolete) a field while area is (mathematics) a measure of the extent of a surface; it is measured in square units.

What does an acre look like?

  • People who have not owned forestry or agricultural land can often find it hard to visualise what an acre looks like. This is an attempt to help you visualise how big an area one acre is. An acre measures an area of land and is about 70 yards by 70 yards, which means about 4,900 square yards (or roughly 44,000 square feet).

What are the differences between Acre and hectare?

  • A hectare is 10,000 sq meters whereas an acre is 4840 sq yards. Therefore,an acre is smaller than a hectare.
  • 1 hectare is 2.471 acres. ...
  • An acre is a unit of measurement mostly used in U.S customary and imperial systems. ...
  • Hectare is the legal unit of measure throughout the European Union. ...

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