Come si chiama l'amore per gli oggetti?

Come si chiama l'amore per gli oggetti?
Per Oggettofilia si intende l'amore per gli oggetti, un sentimento, con annesso desiderio sessuale dello stesso, pari a quello che si potrebbe provare per gli esseri umani, ma in tal caso il desiderio è rivolto ad un oggetto inanimato.
What is the meaning of the word 'Amore'?
- The word amorous is an adjective that comes from the Latin word "amor" and Medieval Latin "amorosus" meaning love. Then became the word amorous in English which means to show a feeling of strong love or desire. Other words that are synonymous to the would amorous are romantic, passionate and ardent.
What does the surname Amore mean?
- The surname Amore can either be derived from the Old French word for love "amor" or from the phrase "at the moor," shortened to A'Moor, implying one who lived near a moor. The surname Amore was first found in Oxfordshire, where Adam ate More and Oliva Ate More were recorded in the Hundredorum Rolls of 1273. [1]
Is Amore Italian or French?
- “Amore” is the Italian spelling /pronunciation for a word which would be spelled/pronounced “amour” in French and it means Love. It is used in multiple languages with slight changes to the spelling…the most extreme of which might be lanmou, which is a creolized version of the same word. So while Amore is used in Italian, “Amour” is used in French.
What does Amor mean in Spanish?
- The name Amor is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Amor is: Love. Numerology . People with this name have a deep inner need for quiet, and a desire to understand and analyze the world they live in, and to learn the deeper truths.