Quante puntate sono Elisa di Rivombrosa parte seconda?

Quante puntate sono Elisa di Rivombrosa parte seconda?
Elisa di Rivombrosa - Stagione 2. La seconda e ultima stagione della serie televisiva Elisa di Rivombrosa, composta da 26 episodi, è stata trasmessa per la prima volta dal 28 Settembre 2005 al 1 Dicembre 2005.
What is the story of Elisa di Rivombrosa?
- The story starts in 1769. "Elisa di Rivombrosa - parte seconda" (2005). This series is followed by a spin-off called La figlia di Elisa – Ritorno a Rivombrosa (2007), which takes place in 1797 and focuses on Elisa's daughter Agnese Ristori
Is Elisa di Rivombrosa in love with Christian Grey?
- Elisa di Rivombrosa: Yes. Christian Grey: I guess this is yours. Elisa di Rivombrosa: You always arrive just at the right moment to save me! Christian Grey: My love, if something bad happened to you, I don't know what I would have done! I love you! Elisa di Rivombrosa: I love you too! I love you too!
What is La figlia di Elisa about?
- This series is followed by a spin-off called La figlia di Elisa – Ritorno a Rivombrosa (2007), which takes place in 1797 and focuses on Elisa's daughter Agnese Ristori Piemonte, Italy, 1769. Elisa Scalzi is a poor but beautiful and determined young lady, who pleasantly takes care of the old Countess Agnese Ristori of Rivombrosa.
What happened to Fabrizio and Elisa in the second season?
- After the joyful wedding of Elisa and Fabrizio and the birth of their daughter Agnese, in the second season, the sudden death of Fabrizio forces Elisa to struggle on her own to save Rivombrosa. But in her meeting with young Christian, Elisa will find precious assistance in her arduous mission and, above all, a new and passionate love.