Che significa Peripato?

Che significa Peripato?
di περι- «peri-» e πατέω «camminare»]. – Nome di quella parte del giardino del Liceo, in Atene , in cui Aristotele era solito tenere le sue lezioni, e dove seguitarono a riunirsi e a discutere i suoi allievi. Per estens., la scuola peripatetica: l'insegnamento, la dottrina, l'indirizzo empiristico del Peripato.
Quali sono le caratteristiche di Simplicio?
Attraverso l'analisi linguistica delle sue battute, Simplicio viene descritto durante la sua progressiva maturazione, da fedele e acritico aristotelico a personaggio che confes- sa, socraticamente, la propria ignoranza, disposizione d'animo più favorevole all'apprendimento.
What is a peripatetic person?
- peripatetic (comparative more peripatetic, superlative most peripatetic) Tending to walk about. Constantly travelling; itinerant; nomadic. (usually capitalized) Having to do with Aristotle, his philosophy, or the school of thought which he founded -- from the practice of conducting philosophical conversations while taking a walk.
What is a good sentence for peripatetic?
- Adjective She worked as a peripatetic journalist for most of her life. He had a peripatetic career as a salesman. Recent Examples on the Web: Adjective As each pursued a string of marriages and affairs, their two daughters experienced a peripatetic childhood—Boston, New York, Mexico, Cape Cod—among a glittering social circle of writers and artists.
What is the Peripatetic school of Philosophy?
- The Peripatetic school was a school of philosophy in Ancient Greece. Its teachings derived from its founder, Aristotle (384–322 BC), and peripatetic is an adjective ascribed to his followers. The school dates from around 335 BC when Aristotle began teaching in the Lycaeum.
What does the word peripatetikos mean in Greek?
- Thus it was that the Greek word peripatētikos (from peripatein, meaning "to walk up and down") came to be associated with Aristotle and his followers. By the way, the covered walk in the Lyceum where Aristotle taught was known as the "peripatos" (which can either refer to the act of walking or a place for walking).