Che cos'è un otalgia?


Che cos'è un otalgia?

Che cos'è un otalgia?

L'otalgia è un dolore intenso, sordo o bruciante alle orecchie. Può interessare un solo orecchio o tutti e due e può durare per poco tempo o persistere a lungo.

Come si cura otalgia?

Terapia. L'otite spesso può guarire in modo spontaneo nell'arco di pochi giorni senza necessità di cure antibiotiche. Si può alleviare il dolore e abbassare la febbre, se presente, utilizzando antidolorifici a base di paracetamolo e ibuprofene.

What does the term otalgia refer to?

  • Otalgia refers to the pain in the ears or earache; it is the pain that is felt in the outer part of the ears and inside the ears that occur due to several causes. There are two types of otalgia; depending on its site origin where the pain sensation is felt.

Which conditions are associated with otalgia?

  • Otalgia (ear pain) can arisen from otological causes such as middle or external ear otitis, mastoiditis as well as from non-otological causes such as dental conditions, tonsillitis, neoplasms, neuralgia (pain in a nerve) and temporomandibular articulation disorders (TMD)(1).

What are the causes of otalgia?

  • Swimmer’s ear (otitis externa). ...
  • Malignant otitis externa. ...
  • Short-term ear infection
  • Long-term ear infection
  • Allergies or irritation
  • Changes in air pressure,such as when you take off or land in a plane
  • Ear injury from pressure changes (from high altitudes and other causes)
  • Hole in the eardrum
  • An object in the ear
  • An injury

What is included in the physical exam for otalgia?

  • When the ear is the source of the pain (primary otalgia), the ear examination is usually abnormal. When the ear is not the source of the pain (secondary otalgia), the ear examination is typically normal. Physical Examination. The physical examination should include an exhaustive otologic, neuro-otologic, head, and neck examination.

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