What is a sapiosexual person?


What is a sapiosexual person?

What is a sapiosexual person?

Sapiosexuality means that a person is sexually attracted to highly intelligent people, so much so that they consider it to be the most important trait in a partner. It is a relatively new word that has become more popular in recent years. Both LGBTQ+ people and heterosexual people may identify as sapiosexual.

What is a sapiosexual and a Demisexual?

The Difference Between Demisexual and Sapiosexual While a demisexual is someone who feels sexual attraction to someone only once they've emotionally bonded, a sapiosexual person finds themselves especially attracted to someone they view as intelligent.

Can a woman be sapiosexual?

Anyone Can Be a Sapiosexual You can like men, women, trans people, bisexual people, or any person of any gender or sexual identity.

Is sapiosexual asexual?

Scientists consider sapiosexuality less a sexual orientation than an identity, Professor Herbenick said. People who identify as sapiosexual may also identify as gay, straight, bisexual, asexual or something else. Some people find the term offensive.

How many Sapiosexuals are there?

But the term has definitely caught on in recent years. About 0.5% of users on the dating website OkCupid identify as sapiosexual.

What is pansexual and asexual?

Pansexuality is a sexual orientation, defined as the sexual attraction to people of any gender. Panromantic is a romantic orientation: the ability to feel romantic attraction to people of any gender. Meanwhile, asexuality is a sexual orientation where the person is sexually attracted to no one.

How do you connect to a sapiosexual?

16 Ways To Turn On A Sapiosexual, aka The Brainy Person You're Super Into

  1. Pay attention to their unique interests. ...
  2. Orate your foreplay. ...
  3. Plan book club and library dates. ...
  4. Discover culture together. ...
  5. Let them teach you. ...
  6. Have a game night (but with a twist). ...
  7. Align your interests. ...
  8. "Are you up?"

What is Omniromantic?

While “omnisexual” is a term used to define who a person is sexually attracted to, omniromantic defines a person's romantic preferences. The two are also not mutually exclusive—a person can define themselves as both omniromantic and omnisexual.

What's Greyromantic?

Greyromantic: You experience romantic attraction infrequently. Demiromantic: You experience romantic attraction infrequently, and when you do it's only after developing a strong emotional connection to someone. Heteroromantic: You're only romantically attracted to people of a different gender to you.

What does it mean to be sapiosexual?

  • The definition of sapiosexual is a person who finds intelligence to be the most sexually attractive characteristic of another person.

What does being a sapiosexual mean to you?

  • Being sapiosexual essentially means that you're primarily sexually attracted to intelligence, with intelligence being the most important quality you're attracted to in another person, coming before...

What is sapiosexuality actually mean?

  • Sapiosexuality is when someone is emotionally or sexually aroused by another person's intelligence. The term itself stems from the Latin word sapio, meaning "to be wise." The term sapiosexual actually hasn't been around for all that long, first popping up in popular culture after it appeared as an option on the dating site, OkCupid, back in 2014.

What does sapiosexual mean in Urban Dictionary?

  • As defined by the Urban Dictionary, a sapiosexual person is someone who finds intelligence and the human mind to be the most sexually attractive feature for a potential sexual relationship. Those who are sapiosexual are stimulated or challenged by the way another person thinks. They are basically in love with the mind.

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