Come visitare il Cretto di Burri?


Come visitare il Cretto di Burri?

Come visitare il Cretto di Burri?

Come arrivare E' consigliabile visitare in Cretto in auto. Prendete l'autostrada Palermo-Mazara del Vallo, uscita Gibellina. Superate il paese nuovo e proseguite in direzione Santa Ninfa. Dopo 14 km svoltate in direzione Alcamo e seguite le indicazioni per Gibellina vecchia e Cretto di Burri.

Dove si trova il Cretto di Burri?

Cretto di Burri
Il Grande Cretto
Data1984-1989 (parziale) 2015 (totale)
Dimensioni150×35000×28000 cm
UbicazioneSicilia, Gibellina (TP)

What does Cretto di Burri stand for?

  • The Cretto di Burri (crack of Burri) or Cretto di Gibellina (crack of Gibellina), also known as "The Great Cretto", is a landscape artwork which undertaken by Alberto Burri in 1984 and was left in an unfinished state in 1989 (due to lack of funds), based on the old city of Gibellina.

What is the significance of the Cretto in Manila?

  • “The Cretto is a place for narration and knowledge where life once flourished, now conserving its memory: what was once a tabernacle of death, today welcomes a monument generating life,” Bonifacio told Artribune.

What is the Cretto di Gibellina?

  • The site of the village ruins, however, was given over to artist Alberto Burri who turned the disaster area into a permanent memorial known as the Cretto di Gibellina. Burri covered the footprints of the destroyed buildings with concrete creating an angular, industrial reminder of the village’s original layout.

What is the size of Ilil Grande Cretto?

  • Il Grande Cretto Artist Alberto Burri Year 1984–2015 Type Concrete sculpture Dimensions 1. m × 280 m (4.9 ft × 1,150 f ... ...

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