Come muore Jean Grey?
![Come muore Jean Grey?](
Come muore Jean Grey?
Jean Grey muore sacrificandosi per salvare i propri compagni. Jean torna in vita come Fenice (o forse è già Fenice Nera). L'enorme potere la fa impazzire, uccide Ciclope, uccide Xavier e minaccia di distruggere il mondo. Logan la uccide e salva la situazione. Sullo sfondo, l'ennesima guerra tra umani e mutanti.
Quanti anni ha Jean Grey?
La versione Ultimate di Jean è presentata come una ragazza di diciannove anni, molto più disinibita della versione classica.
Come ha ottenuto i poteri Captain Marvel?
I superpoteri di Capitan Marvel I poteri di Capitan Marvel derivano dall'esposizione ad un'energia emessa da una macchina Kree. Nel dettaglio, Capitan Marvel può: Volare ad una velocità massima di Mach-3. Assorbire diverse forme di energia, deviarle e usarle per emettere raggi fotonici.
What is Jean Grey's personality?
- Mind Control: She can control the minds, thoughts and actions of all humans, animals and even mutants. Mind Possession: She can possess the mind of another, and use that being's body as her own. Personality Alteration: She can alter the minds of others by force of will, permanently changing their personality partially or entirely.
Why is Jean Grey so powerful?
- But as a consequence of this, Jean Grey is supremely powerful. Powerful enough that she attracted the attention of the Phoenix force, the cosmic force of creation. Powerful enough that she rivals even her not-quite son Cable, and Charles Xavier.
How does Jean Grey become Dark Phoenix and why?
- In the comics, Jean's near-death experience in space (like the moment that plays out in the beginning of the movie) results in the universe sending her the Phoenix Force, the manifestation of the power of creation and life itself. This energy lived inside Jean and eventually took her over, turning her dark.
Why is Jean Grey so important?
- Jean Grey is one of the most powerful X-Men of them all. Her telepathic and telekinetic abilities have allowed her to make a difference in just about every battle she's been in, causing her to excel in either a support role or on the front lines of any battle. This utility has made her one of the team's most trusted hands.