Come riprodurre lippia Nodiflora?
Come riprodurre lippia Nodiflora?
La moltiplicazione della Lippia nodiflora può avvenire sia per seme che tramite una propagazione agamica, o vegetativa. Per la semina è necessario aspettare la primavera ma procedere comunque con dei semenzai che proteggono le giovani pianticelle anche dal freddo.
Come riprodurre la Lippia?
Moltiplicazione della Lippia nodiflora La riproduzione della pianta avviene per seme e la propagazione vegetativa o agamica può essere effettuata agevolmente per divisione dei cespi in primavera.
Quando potare la Maria Luisa?
Per quanto riguarda la potatura, meglio eseguirla a metà estate, al chiuso oppure in una serra, eliminando ovviamente tutte le parti secche e danneggiate. Si possono raccogliere rametti anche durante l'estate, la pianta non ne soffre.
Where does Lippia come from?
- About Common Lippia (Phyla nodiflora) 10 Nurseries Carry This Plant Add to My Plant List Phyla nodiflora (frog fruit, sawtooth fogfruit, turkey tangle), is an ornamental plant in the Verbenaceae family, which is native from Brazil and United States. It can be found in tropical areas around the globe, a naturalized species in many places.
What is the scientific name of Lippi?
- Lippia is a genus of flowering plants in the verbena family, Verbenaceae. It was named after Augustus Lippi, (1678-1705), a French naturalist and botanist (with Italian origins). He was killed in Abyssinia. The genus contains roughly 200 species of tropical shrubs that are found around the world.
How tall do Lippia plants grow?
- Common lippia, also known as frogfruit, is a low growing perennial that spreads over the ground with long linear stems to form a dense carpet-type planting. When grown as an unmowed bank plant, it can reach heights of 5-6 inches and have a soft cushion-like habit. When grown as a turf grass substitute, it can be mowed as low as 1 inch.
What is the active principle of Lippia?
- Additionally, some of these Lippia species showed antimalarial, spasmolitic, sedative, hypotensive and, anti-inflammatory activities. Generally, the essential oil or the phenolic compounds (flavonoids) from these plant extracts are assumed to be the active principles.