Quanto può durare la vulvovaginite?


Quanto può durare la vulvovaginite?

Quanto può durare la vulvovaginite?

Nel caso della vaginite batterica, potrà essere prescritto un trattamento a base di antibiotici da assumere per bocca o da applicare localmente (sotto forma di crema, ovuli o gel). La terapia dura in genere 5-7 giorni. La vaginite da funghi viene in genere trattata con farmaci antimicotici.

Cosa prendere per vulvovaginite?

Per le vaginiti ad origine parassitaria (vaginite da tricomoniasi) è solitamente preferibile il trattamento sistemico con metronidazolo o tinidazolo; Le vaginiti da funghi (Candida) sono solitamente trattate con farmaci antimicotici topici o ad azione sistemica, in particolare a base di clotrimazolo.

What causes vulvovaginitis and what are the symptoms?

  • Vulvovaginitis caused by poor hygiene tends to be more common in young girls who have not yet hit puberty. This may be due to poor hygiene practices that can transfer fecal bacteria to the vagina. What are the symptoms? Vulvovaginitis may cause pain during sexual activity. What do odor and discharge say about the cause?

What is nonspecific vulvovaginitis and how is it treated?

  • This is called nonspecific vulvovaginitis. It occurs in all age groups. It causes a foul-smelling, brownish-green discharge and irritation of the labia and vaginal opening. This condition is often linked with excess growth of bacteria that are typically found in the stool.

How do you treat vulvovaginitis over the counter?

  • If you’ve had a yeast infection in the past, you may be able to treat vulvovaginitis using over-the-counter products available at any pharmacy, including: vaginal creams suppositories topical ointments oral pills

Why does vulvovaginitis take so long to heal?

  • Irritated tissue is more likely to become infected than healthy tissue. Many germs that cause infection thrive in a warm, damp, and dark environment. This can also lead to a longer recovery. Sexual abuse should be considered in young girls with unusual infections and repeated episodes of unexplained vulvovaginitis.

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