In che cosa consiste il contratto di franchising?


In che cosa consiste il contratto di franchising?

In che cosa consiste il contratto di franchising?

Il franchising (o affiliazione commerciale) è il contratto stipulato tra due soggetti giuridici - economicamente e giuridicamente indipendenti - attraverso cui una parte franchisor (affiliante) concede all'altra franchisee (affiliato) la disponibilità - verso il pagamento di un corrispettivo - di un insieme di diritti ...

Che cosa vuol dire franchise?

Il franchising è un contratto tra due imprenditori che si basa sull'omogeneità. ... La casa madre, l'azienda o l'imprenditore singolo, viene definita affiliante o franchisor, mentre l'affiliato è anche detto franchisee.

Come si fa a creare un franchising?

Ecco le principali attività necessarie per avviare una rete in franchising:

  1. Analisi del settore;
  2. Creazione e registrazione del marchio;
  3. Creazione del contratto: ...
  4. Trasmissione del know how e creazione del manuale operativo;
  5. Creazione Business plan;
  6. Profilazione del franchisee;

Quanti tipi di franchising esistono?

  • 1) Per tipo di attività:
  • a) Franchising di distribuzione (commerciale) ...
  • a) Franchise di distribuzione del prodotto. ...
  • 3) Secondo l'organizzazione del sistema:
  • a) Franchising diretto. ...
  • b) Franchising multiplo. ...
  • c) Master franchise.

What to expect from a franchisor?

  • What to Expect From a Franchisor. Great support will include direct ordering and construction assistance and perhaps turn-key store delivery to the new franchisee. Marketing assistance. The typical support will include a complete marketing plan for the new business that covers all activity for at least the first three months of operation.

What does it mean to become a franchisor?

  • Becoming a franchisor means that you have satisfied federal and state specific franchise laws through a compliant Franchise Disclosure Document that contains audited financial statements and updated information about your franchise system and franchise offering.

What are my responsibilities as a franchisor?

  • National marketing and advertising for the entire brand.
  • Research and development of new products and services and managing products and services for the brand as a whole.
  • Management of franchise territories to ensure all franchisees have a large enough territory to sustain them without infringing on another franchisee's territory.

How to become a franchisor?

  • Determine if your business is one that can be franchised Conduct a feasibility study to evaluate scalability,national demand,and profit for franchisees.
  • Make sure you have the time and money Be prepared to take a step back from your current business,and anticipate an investment of between$100K-$400k.
  • Surround yourself with professionals At the start-up phase,at a minimum you will need an expert franchise sales person,Operations Manager,Training Manager,and a franchise attorney. ...
  • Document everything From the time the lights go on until they go off,every step of your business including marketing,employee management,product merchandising; everything you can think of should ...
  • Determine the offering Decide how much control you require on your look and feel,what your involvement will be in the supply chain,your fee structure,etc. ...
  • Develop a growth plan Evaluate if local,regional,or national growth is the right initial approach and how many new owners can you support in a month.
  • Develop a marketing budget Use your growth plan to develop a budget. This will typically include franchise brokers,franchise portals,exhibitions,as well as organic and paid web traffic.
  • Create a comprehensive,defined mutual evaluation process
  • Design your training,onboarding,and support processes
  • Execute Be careful! Your first 2-4 franchisees will set the tone of your system for years to come.

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