Perché si dice grullo?
Perché si dice grullo?
La parola “grullo” è di origine incerta, forse riconducile allo spagnolo «grulha», indicante le oche o le gru e dunque una persona semplice e poco accorta, oppure dal tedesco «grullan», che significa proprio deridere, beffare. ... E da allora la parola grullo indica una persona sempliciotta, mal vestita e ingenua.
What is the difference between Dun and grullo?
- Grullo is the result of the dun factor "gene" on a black horse. Grullo (used here for both masculine, and the feminine "grulla") is to black as dun is to bay, and as red dun is to sorrel. They are just the colors that result when the dun factor is applied to the base coat colors .
What is a grullo color horse?
- In the Icelandic horse, the grullo color is called gray dun, in the Highland pony it is called mouse dun, and in the Norwegian Fjord horse, grå or gråblakk. The word "grullo" originates from the Spanish word grulla, which refers to a slate-gray crane.
What do you call a light-colored grullo?
- I think that in the future, "silver grullo" will be most correct for grullo + silver dapple horses, and "smokey grullo" will be for grullos with cream genes. It might be a compromise temporarily to call a light-colored grullo a "silvery grullo" (with the y on the end of silver).
What is the difference between Smokey grullo and Silver grullo?
- In recent years, "silver grullo" has been used for a grullo that also carries a silver dapple gene. I think that in the future, "silver grullo" will be most correct for grullo + silver dapple horses, and "smokey grullo" will be for grullos with cream genes.