Come avviene la preparazione del battesimo?
Come avviene la preparazione del battesimo?
Il prete si rivolge ai genitori chiedendo prima il nome del bambino e poi cosa chiedono alla Chiesa per lui/lei. E dopo i genitori tocca al padrino e alla madrina: a loro si chiede di aiutare i genitori in questo compito. Il primo momento importante della cerimonia è l'unzione con l'olio sacro, simbolo di salvezza.
Quando è stato istituito il Sacramento del Battesimo?
Le testimonianze riportano che già nel IV secolo era pratica diffusa battezzare i catecumeni (cioè coloro che si preparavano al battesimo) nella veglia di Pasqua (come riportato per esempio nelle Confessioni di Agostino di Ippona, battezzato da Ambrogio di Milano nel 387 d.C.).
What is the meaning of catechumen?
- Definition of catechumen. 1 : a convert to Christianity receiving training in doctrine and discipline before baptism. 2 : one receiving instruction in the basic doctrines of Christianity before admission to communicant membership in a church.
What happened to the catechumens at mass?
- Catechumens when present at Mass were not dismissed with the inquirers, but were detained while a special prayer was recited over them. They then also withdrew before the Mass of the Faithful began. The instruction which they received is described in the article CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE.
When did the catechumenate flourish?
- It is not necessary to quote further authorities for the third and fourth centuries, the age in which the catechumenate flourished in its full form. During the years of persecution the necessity of the institution was realized, and in the intervals of peace the arrangements were more and more elaborated.
What are the rites of admission to the catechumenate?
- In the early ages the rites of admission to the catechumenate were quite simple, but in the course of time they became more elaborate. At first the candidates were merely signed on the forehead with the sign of the cross, or hands were imposed on them with suitable prayers; and sometimes both ceremonies were used.