Chi muore nella 4 stagione di élite?

Chi muore nella 4 stagione di élite?
Come finisce Élite 4: la morte di Armando Armando scappa nel deposito di barche poco distante, e qui è raggiunto da Guzmán che, precedentemente convinto da Ari, uccide il suo aggressore sparandogli un colpo alla schiena.
Chi ha aggredito Ari?
Il principale sospettato di Ari è Philippe, nonostante quella sera si trovasse al Club del Lago con Cayetana.
What is the Elite Four in Pokemon Go?
- The Elite Four is a Trainer Class and title given to four Trainers that qualify as being the best Trainers in their respective regions, with only the Pokémon Champion above their skill level.
Will there be a season 4 of elite?
- The fourth season of Netflix's Elite was announced by the cast and crew on , when they revealed via Twitter that they had received their scripts. This reveal was against rumours that there would be a completely new cast for season four. Prior to this, Álvaro Rico, Danna Paola, Ester...
What is the point of the Unova Elite Four?
- The Unova Elite Four is the first one that allows the player to choose the order in which the Elite Four is battled. The Kalos and Alola Elite Four also shares this trait. The Kalos Elite Four are the first Elite Four who's Pokémon do not go up levels when the player returns to the Pokémon league for their first rematch,...
Which Pokémon have made the most elite four appearances?
- Bruno has the most Elite Four appearances - Kanto's second and Johto's third places. Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! are the only games to date in which the player can change their Pokémon party between Elite Four matches, due to the presence of the Pokémon Box in the player's Bag.