Is Elijah Hewson related to Bono?

Is Elijah Hewson related to Bono?
Elijah Hewson, son of Bono, has scored his first number one with the debut album by his band, Inhaler. Powered by 21 year-old Elijah's impassioned vocals, the Dublin group has prompted comparisons with The Killers, Kings of Leon – and inevitably, U2.
Who is Elijah Hewson's dad?
Bono Elijah Hewson/Padri
Does Bono go by Bono?
He initially disliked the name; however, when he learned it translated to "good voice", he accepted it. Hewson has been known as "Bono" since the late 1970s. He uses Bono as his stage name; close family, friends and fellow band members also refer to him as Bono.
Is U2 still a band?
U2's The Edge Confirmed the Band Is Working on New Music. There is something to be said about a rock band that not only has been together for over 40 years but has also managed to keep a huge fan base and remain one of the most popular musical acts in the world. Irish rock band U2 has done just that.
What is Bono real name from U2?
Paul David Hewson Bono/Nome completo Bono, byname of Paul David Hewson, (born , Dublin, Ireland), lead singer for the popular Irish rock band U2 and prominent human rights activist.
How tall is Bono from U2?
1.68 m Bono/Altezza
Where is Eli Hewson from?
Dublin Where is he from? Elijah is from Dublin.
Is U2 Catholic or Protestant?
Bono's father was a Catholic, his mother an Anglican. Adam Clayton (the bassist, English) and David Evans (the Edge, Welsh) came from Protestant backgrounds; Mullen had Irish-Catholic parents. ... Ultimately, of course, U2 stayed together: Bono, Mullen, and the Edge left Shalom.
Who is Bono married to?
Ali Hewsonm. 1982 Bono/Coniuge
Why does Bono wear those glasses?
Bono has had glaucoma, a build-up of pressure in the eyeball, which can damage the optic nerve and potentially lead to blindness if untreated—for over two decades now. The real reason he wears his trademark shades is due to this progressive, sight-robbing eye disease, to protect his sensitive eyes from light and glare.