What is Locke's condition lost?


What is Locke's condition lost?

What is Locke's condition lost?

Locke was in a wheelchair for 4 years prior to the crash of Flight 815. He was pushed out a window by his father ("The Man from Tallahassee"), paralyzing him from the waist down as seen several times, notably in "Walkabout".

Why is Locke important in Lost?

Because he was Ben's agent in helping perpetrate the hoax crash, and, as it turned out, helping Ben with the Mouse Trap (as per Hamlet), distinguishing Widmore's agents from Ben's own [Manchurian] candidates. But Locke had at least one double who turned out to be working against Ben.

Was Locke special lost?

Locke wasn't special, he wasn't The Chosen One, and it wasn't his sole mission to "save" the island. People are disappointed to learn they aren't always special, and in Locke's case, he's simply a pawn in someone else's game.

Who is John Locke and why is he important in Lost?

John Locke was a survivor of Oceanic Flight 815. A disabled wheelchair user at the time of the flight, Locke miraculously found himself able to walk once he arrived on the Island.

How did John became paralyzed in Lost?

He had been taking private flying lessons and asked his father to be his first passenger on his first solo flight. Unfortunately, his plane crashed before taking flight, paralyzing both himself and Cooper (his father's injuries were much more substantial than his).

What happens to Sawyer in Lost?

The Man in Black however, had conned Sawyer into stealing the sub so that he could kill the remaining candidates with a bomb. After the explosion, Sawyer was knocked unconscious and brought ashore to safety by Jack.

Is Locke's dad Sawyer?

Cooper explains to Sawyer that he is Locke's father, and that he conned Locke out of a kidney and pushed him out an eighth story window because he was a "nuisance". Suspicious, Sawyer asks the prisoner for his name. ... Sawyer then chokes Cooper to death with his chains.

How did Locke become paralyzed on Lost?

After a struggle, he pushed Locke out of a window eight stories high. Locke hit the ground, where he was soon touched by the mysterious island inhabitant Jacob (Mark Pellegrino). Locke survived the fall but suffered a broken back, an injury that left him in a wheelchair.

How did John Locke end up in a wheelchair?

After a struggle, he pushed Locke out of a window eight stories high. Locke hit the ground, where he was soon touched by the mysterious island inhabitant Jacob (Mark Pellegrino). Locke survived the fall but suffered a broken back, an injury that left him in a wheelchair.

Is Locke dead halo?

Is Spartan Locke Dead in Halo Infinite? The short answer is: for now, no one knows for sure. ... If Master Chief can't do it, then they will order Spartan Locke for the job instead. “Halsey: The weapon will lock her down.

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