Is it correct to say reason why?


Is it correct to say reason why?

Is it correct to say reason why?

The phrase reason why is not correct. Since the word reason itself explains the question why, it becomes unnecessary to avoid using the latter after the former. This is just like how people say discuss about, which too uses the preposition unnecessarily.

What is the difference between reason and why?

Reason is a noun; why is usually an interrogative adverb. They do cover some of the same semantic space, but not the same syntactic space.

Is because a reason why?

The short answer is “the reason why” is correct grammar but the “is because” part is not. At the most basic level of explanation, the “why” serves to emphasise “reason” (e.g. The reason why the brakes failed is unknown). Yes, “why” could be eliminated but that doesn't make it incorrect.

What does reason mean in writing?

to think or argue in a logical manner. to form conclusions, judgments, or inferences from facts or premises. ... to think through logically, as a problem (often followed by out). to conclude or infer. to convince, persuade, etc., by reasoning.

How do you use reason in a sentence?

Reason sentence example

  1. He had no reason to worry. ...
  2. For some reason , he experienced a very realistic vision. ...
  3. Maybe there was another reason he decided to reclaim his money. ...
  4. I think everyone was guilty of staring at her at least once - if for no other reason , wondering if she was going to fall out of her dress.

What are some synonyms of reason?


  • cause.
  • ground.
  • grounds.
  • interest.
  • justification.
  • motive.
  • rationale.
  • rationalization.

Is the reason why synonym?

synonyms for reason why

  • encouragement.
  • enticement.
  • impetus.
  • motivation.
  • reason.
  • stimulus.
  • allurement.
  • bait.

What is reason and example?

Reason is the cause for something to happen or the power of your brain to think, understand and engage in logical thought. An example of reason is when you are late because your car ran out of gas. An example of reason is the ability to think logically. noun. 27.

What is reason in your own words?

A reason explains why you do something. ... Reason usually has to do with thought and logic, as opposed to emotion. If people think you show good reason, or are reasonable, it means you think things through. If people think you have a good reason for doing something, it means you have a motive that makes sense.

What is the summary of thirteen reasons why?

  • Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher is the heartrending tale of a teen suicide from the dual perspectives of Clay Jensen and Hannah Baker . The author was inspired to write the novel based on incidents that happened in his high school. Hannah Baker, a sophomore at Liberty High School, committed suicide two weeks ago.

What is the plot of 13 reasons why?

  • Thirteen Reasons Why follows the story of Clay Jensen, as he returns home from school to find a mysterious package on his bed. When he opens it, he finds seven cassette tapes. Upon inserting them into his family’s cassette player, he discovers were recorded by Hannah Baker, a girl that he went to school with who recently committed suicide.

What was 13 reasons why about?

  • This is based on the New York Times bestselling YA book by Jay Asher , was created by Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award winner Brian Yorkey , who also wrote the pilot. 13 Reasons Why is the story of Hanna Baker, a high schooler who commits suicide. Clay receives a box of tapes from Hannah, his late classmate and crush after she kills herself.

Why "13 reasons why" is important?

  • 13 Reasons Why "13 Reasons Why" is Important 1.It takes the problem head on This show takes each problem head on. All the issues discussed in the show are important,... 2. It may be able to help people Maybe this show can help people. That was the goal of the producers ay least. There is... ...

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