Come si dice Simona in italiano?


Come si dice Simona in italiano?

Come si dice Simona in italiano?

Fra le varianti, Simonetta con oltre 16.000 omonime in Italia supera tutte le altre, finanche l'originario Simone che conta circa 10.000 unità; seguono Simona (circa 5.000), Simeone (1.500), Simonella (100), Simonino (25) e Simeo (20)…

Quanto si festeggia San Simona?

Onomastico. Non esistono sante con questo nome, che quindi è adespota. L'onomastico si può festeggiare lo stesso giorno della forma maschile, cioè generalmente il 28 ottobre, in ricordo di san Simone apostolo.

Come abbreviare il nome Simona?


  1. Alterati: Simonetta, Simonina, Simoncina, Simonella.
  2. Ipocoristici: Simo, Mona.

What kind of person is Simona?

  • Simona is a happy and fun young woman, sure of herself and of what she wants, who had to overcome difficulties since she was very young: she had to learn to grow up without her parents as guides. Marilina, Simona's mother, is involved in a confused and violent episode for which s... Read all

How do I contact Simona America?

  • Call + 2992 or email SIMONA AMERICA Industries specializes in providing high performance material solutions for a wide range of industries.

What is Simona® boatboard®?

  • SIMONA® BOATBOARD® is a great replacement material for restaurant and resort furniture that has to stay looking great after repeated use and with little-to-no maintenance! And it’s now available in even more colors to complement the natural tones you see in beautiful outdoor living spaces.

Where is simsimona AG listed?

  • SIMONA AG is listed in the General Standard of the Frankfurt and Berlin stock exchanges. Find out more about our shares and shareholder structure as well as our key financial indicators and financial reports.

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