Come si chiama la moglie di Franco Nero?

Come si chiama la moglie di Franco Nero?
Vanessa Redgraves. 2006 Franco Nero/Moglie
Quanti anni ha Vanessa Redgrave?
84 anni (30 gennaio 1937) Vanessa Redgrave/Età
Did Vanessa Redgrave ever have a love story?
- Oddly enough, Redgrave's own love story shares striking similarities to that of the character she played. According to the Los Angeles Times, she met the Italian actor Franco Nero on the set of the 1966 movie "Camelot." Adorably, she played Guinevere and he played Lancelot.
Who is Vanessa Redgrave's son Carlo Gabriel sparanero?
- Franco Nero and Vanessa Redgrave gave birth to their only child, Carlo Gabriel Sparanero (who now goes by the surname Nero), in 1969 (via IDMb ). Taking after his famous parents, he took a keen interest in film, largely as a writer and director. He's primarily known for "The Fever," "Eyes of St John," and "Uninvited."
Who is Michael Redgrave's wife?
- He is married to his long term girlfriend, Vanessa Redgrave . The couple first met in 1967 in the set of film musical Camelot when the now husband and wife played Lancelot and Guenevere, respectively. They soon started dating and later married in 2006 in a private wedding ceremony.
Who is Vanessa Redgrave's widow Claire in letters to Juliet?
- In the film "Letters to Juliet," award-winning English actor Vanessa Redgrave plays a widow named Claire who'd walked away from the love of her life 50 years earlier. The pair had met in Verona, Italy, while she studied abroad.