Chi furono i Decemviri?
Chi furono i Decemviri?
Decemviri sacris faciundis. - Collegio sacerdotale dei custodi degli oracoli sibillini, originariamente composto di due membri, poi di dieci (donde il nome) dal 367 a. C. fino all'epoca di Silla; poi di quindici (quindecemviri), di sedici sotto Cesare, anche di più di venti in epoca imperiale.
Perché fu istituito il Decemvirato?
Secondo la tradizione riportata da Livio, fu redatta negli anni 4 a.C., per volontà della plebe, allo scopo di rendere più conoscibile e certo il diritto, fino allora tramandato oralmente e applicato di volta in volta, caso per caso, in forza dell'interpretazione ...
What is the meaning of decemvir?
- noun, plural de·cem·virs, de·cem·vi·ri [dih-sem-vuh-rahy]. a member of a permanent board or a special commission of ten members in ancient Rome, especially the commission that drew up Rome's first code of law. a member of any council or ruling body of ten.
What is the decemviri Commission?
- Decemviri, (Latin: “ten men”), in ancient Rome, any official commission of 10. The designation is most often used in reference to decemviri legibus scribundis, a temporary legislative commission that supplanted the regular magistracy from 4 bc. It was directed to construct a code of laws that would resolve...
What is a decemviri in ancient Rome?
- See Article History. Decemviri, (Latin: “ten men”), in ancient Rome, any official commission of 10. The designation is most often used in reference to decemviri legibus scribundis, a temporary legislative commission that supplanted the regular magistracy from 4 bc.
Who were the members of the decemviri?
- First decemvirate. In compensation for their loss of office, Appius Claudius and Titus Genucius were appointed to the decemviri. So was one of the consuls of the previous year (452 BC), Publius Sestius Capitolinus Vaticanus, because he had put the proposal to the senate despite the opposition of his colleague.