Che cosè l'endometriosi?

Che cosè l'endometriosi?
Endometriosi: un'infiammazione cronica benigna L'endometriosi può essere definita come un'infiammazione cronica benigna degli organi genitali femminili e del peritoneo pelvico, causata dalla presenza anomala, in questi organi, di cellule endometriali che, in condizioni normali, si trovano solo all'interno dell'utero.
Come prevenire l'endometriosi?
La prevenzione della malattia può passare attraverso l'alimentazione. In particolare, nelle donne giovani e dunque in età fertile, è consigliato limitare i cibi ricchi di fitormoni come la salvia, la soia e le leguminose. Consigliabile è invece incrementare il consumo di fibre, di noci, olio d'oliva e pesce azzurro.
Can endometriosis kill you?
- Endometriosis is considered a benign disease: it doesn't kill. It varies from causing no symptoms, to causing debilitating pain and infertility. The surgical approach to endometriosis reflects this variability. For a woman with no symptoms, it's often reasonable to not have any treatment.
Will endometriosis go away after menopause?
- Key points to remember There is no cure for endometriosis. Taking out the ovaries (oophorectomy) and the uterus (hysterectomy) usually relieves pain. When your menstrual periods stop at around age 50 (menopause) and your estrogen levels drop, endometriosis growth and symptoms will probably also stop.
How to control endometriosis?
- Decide to take action and responsibility for your health. It is easy to put things off. ...
- Set goals that you know you can achieve. When I first read the recommendations for how to eat healthy when it came to Endometriosis,I felt completely overwhelmed ...
- Pick one big goal to achieve within the next month and go for it 100%. ...
Can endometriosis start at any age?
- Estimates vary, so that from about 1 in 10 to as many as 5 in 10 of all women develop some degree of endometriosis. If symptoms develop they typically begin between the ages of 25-40. Sometimes symptoms begin in the teenage years. Endometriosis can affect any woman. However: Sometimes it runs in families.