Quando seminare l asimina Triloba?

Quando seminare l asimina Triloba?
La semina dell'Asimina triloba si pratica in autunno, le talee possono essere messe a dimora durante il periodo invernale. Per la propagazione tramite propaggine si può attendere il periodo autunnale.
Quando si pianta il banano di montagna?
Il periodo migliore per piantare il banano di montagna è l'autunno, prima dell'arrivo dell'inverno. Così facendo la giovane pianta avrà modo di attecchire e si troverà pronta ad affrontare la sua prima stagione estiva. Come accennato, il sesto d'impianto dell'asimina triloba deve essere abbastanza stretto.
What are the characteristics of Asimina?
- Asimina has large simple leaves and large fruit. It is native to eastern North America and collectively referred to as pawpaw. The genus includes the widespread common pawpaw Asimina triloba, which bears the largest edible fruit indigenous to the continent. Pawpaws are native to 26 states of the U.S. and to Ontario in Canada.
Where does Asimina grow in the US?
- Hardy to USDA Zone 5 The most cold hardy of the Asimina species. Native range extends from Ontario, north of Lake Erie, New York to Florida, and east to Nebraska and Texas.
How did the genus name Asimina get its name?
- The genus name Asimina was first described and named by Michel Adanson, a French naturalist of Scottish descent. The name is adapted from the Native American name assimin through the French colonial asiminier. The common name pawpaw, also spelled paw paw, paw-paw, and papaw, probably derives from the Spanish papaya,...
What does Asimina fruit look like?
- Fruit shape variable, rounded, ellipsoid to oblong, 5-12 cm long, greenish yellow, finally brown, edible, banana-pear flavored with a consistency of custard; contains 2-3 brown, flattened seeds, each 2-2.5 cm long. Sun or shade, best in moist, fertile, deep, slightly acidic soil. Hardy to USDA Zone 5 The most cold hardy of the Asimina species.