Quando è nata Marinette Dupain Cheng?

Quando è nata Marinette Dupain Cheng?
Avendo 14 anni, direi che un po' difficile che Marinette sia del 2013, quindi è più plausibile che sia nata nel 2001 - e da questo deduciamo anche una cosa importante, ovvero che la serie è ambientata nel 2015 che, effettivamente, è l'anno in cui è iniziata la trasmissione di Miraculous, ma mentre per noi sono già ...
Dove abita Marinette Dupain-Cheng?
Marinette Dupain-Cheng è una ragazza che vive a Parigi . Lei haun segreto : è la super eroina Ladybug . La sua migliore amica è Halya.
What does Adrien Agreste mean?
- Adrien means "sea", and Agreste means "wild". Connected, it would mean "wild sea".
Does Adrien and Marinette get together?
- Yes, Adrien is like Marinette. LadyBug fell in love with her, telling her everything in plain text and calling her “My Lady”. Unfortunately, LadyBug is not able to share his feelings. But in the end, Marinette and Adrien will get together
When is Adrien Agreste's birthday?
- Since the Bubbler episode aired on Octo, one assumption could be that Adrien's birthday is on October 20. The series also premiered for the first time, the day before, so chances of October 19 being his birthday are also likely. In both cases, Adrian is most probably a Libran (September 23-October 22).
What happened to Adrien's mom?
- As many will know, Adrien's mom are missing but we don't know the cause and where is she now. Well, this is the information that we know about her: She was the possible carrier of the peacock miraculous. She is missing. She has a connection with Hawk Moth (or he knows about her). There are the synopsis of the special: It’s Christmas!