A cosa serve la frenuloplastica?

A cosa serve la frenuloplastica?
In presenza di frenulo corto, la frenuloplastica serve a eliminare - o, quanto meno, a ridurre - l'anomalia anatomica a carico del frenulo penieno, in maniera tale da consentire nuovamente il corretto scorrimento del prepuzio rispetto al glande.
Quanto si allunga il pene con la frenuloplastica?
L'intervento di allungamento del pene consiste nel “taglio” del legamento sospensore del pene che unisce il pene con il pube. In questo modo la parte del pene situata all'interno (che ha una media di 7cm) si protenderà verso l'esterno, andando a guadagnare una media di 3-6 cm in più.
What is frenuloplasty and how does it work?
- A good example of a frenulum is the stretchy band of tissue that tethers your tongue to the bottom of your mouth. Frenuloplasty is a surgical procedure that is performed when a frenulum is too restricting.
Does frenuloplasty leave scars?
- These scars only affect those with frenulum breve. The Frenuloplasty can be conducted under both general or local anesthesia. One study suggests around 15–20% of men require additional circumcision after a frenuloplasty, because not all symptoms indicating the surgery improved.
What are the most common problems that develop from oral frenuloplasty?
- The most common problems that develop from oral frenuloplasty occur very rarely, but include the following: Scarring of tissue at the surgical site Possible allergic reactions to the anesthesia drugs used Reattachment of the corrected frenulum after the surgery, causing recurrence of the original problem
What are the reasons for frenulum breve surgery?
- Another reason for the treatment is to correct a rare complication of a frenulum breve which presents as scars on the frenulum, these scars cause pain and make normal sex very difficult and are caused by the rubbing of the frenulum whilst engaging in sexual activity. These scars only affect those with frenulum breve.