Cosa posso mangiare con la dieta semiliquida?

Cosa posso mangiare con la dieta semiliquida?
- gelati (lasciati sciogliere/ammorbiditi a temperatura ambiente)
- creme liquide.
- passati di verdura.
- frullati, frappè e omogeneizzati di frutta, yogurt.
- salsa di pomodoro.
What is a laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG)?
- Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) is an essential bariatric procedure performed in obese patients, which provides significant weight loss and has a positive impact on obesity-related diseases. However, as with any surgical procedure, it carries the risk of complications.
How does a sleeve gastrectomy change the structure of the stomach?
- In a sleeve gastrectomy, part of the stomach is separated and removed from the body. The remaining section of the stomach is formed into a tubelike structure. This smaller stomach cannot hold as much food. It also produces less of the appetite-regulating hormone ghrelin, which may lessen your desire to eat.
How much weight can you lose with sleeve gastrectomy?
- Sleeve gastrectomy can provide long-term weight loss. The amount of weight you lose depends on your change in lifestyle habits. It is possible to lose approximately 60%, or even more, of your excess weight within two years. In addition to weight loss, sleeve gastrectomy may improve or resolve conditions related to being overweight, including:
How long is the hospital stay for sleeve gastrectomy?
- Sleeve gastrectomy is done in the hospital. Depending on your recovery, your hospital stay may last one to two nights. The specifics of your surgery depend on your individual situation and the hospital's or doctor's practices. Some sleeve gastrectomies are done with traditional large (open) incisions in the abdomen.