Come funziona la psilocibina?

Come funziona la psilocibina?
Una volta ingerita, la psilocibina viene attaccata dagli enzimi dello stomaco che, rimuovendo il gruppo fosfato, riducono questa molecola in psilocina, un composto psicoattivo con struttura chimica simile a quella della serotonina.
Come si riconoscono i funghetti allucinogeni?
Ha un gambo lungo e sottile, color bruno-olivastro. Un elemento prezioso per riconoscerlo è il fatto che, pochi minuti dopo esser stato colto, assume una tonalità nettamente bluastra o verdastra nella parte inferiore del gambo.
What is Psilocybe cubensis and how does it work?
- Psilocybe cubensis is a mildly potent species of psychedelic mushroom whose principal active compounds are psilocybin and psilocin. Psilocybin is the cool stuff that makes you feel high when you ingest magic mushrooms.
Is psilocybin safe to use?
- Psilocybin is a safe molecule. There have been no credible reports of deaths from psilocybin toxicity, and we know that it is broken down quickly in the body and has no physiological side effects. It is not addictive, and does not cause long-term tolerance or dependence (Tyls et al, 2014).
What is the difference between psilocybin and psilocin?
- Psilocybin (4-phosphoryloxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine) and psilocin are chemical compounds obtained from certain types of dried or fresh hallucinogenic mushrooms found in Mexico, South America and the southern and northwest regions of the United States. Psilocybin is classified as an indolealkylamine (tryptamine).
How long do the effects of psilocybin last?
- The mind-altering effects of psilocybin typically last from two to six hours, although to individuals under the influence of psilocybin, the effects may seem to last much longer, since the drug can distort the perception of time. Psilocybin has a low toxicity and a low harm potential.