What's an antonym for surround?

What's an antonym for surround?
What is the opposite of surround?
avoid | ignore |
evade | slight |
disregard | bypass |
What do neighboring mean?
adjective. situated or living near; adjacent: to visit the neighboring towns.
What is the right form of surrounded?
surround. / (səˈraʊnd) / verb (tr) to encircle or enclose or cause to be encircled or enclosed.
What is another word for surrounded by?
encircled In this page you can discover 47 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for surrounded, like: encircled, enclosed, wrapped, enveloped, girdled, hemmed-in, encompassed, besieged, fenced-in, looped and circled about.
What do you mean by encompasses?
1 : to cover or surround : encircle Mountains encompass the peaceful valley. 2 : include The subject of social studies encompasses history, civics, and geography.
Is surround a verb?
- verb (used with object) to enclose on all sides; encompass: She was surrounded by reporters.
What is the plural of surround?
- The plural form of surround is surrounds . Find more words! A blue-green wash, visible through the light coatings of varnish , surrounds the central form. All this is set against the wild mountain backdrop which surrounds the walled garden in the distance.
What is a synonym for surround?
- Synonyms for surround. Synonyms: Verb. circle, compass, embrace, encircle, enclose (also inclose), encompass, environ, gird, girdle, ring, wreathe. Synonyms: Noun. ambient, atmosphere, climate, clime, context, environment, environs, medium, milieu, setting, surroundings, terrain.
Is surround a prefix?
- The prefix (peri-) means around, near, surrounding, covering, or enclosing. It is derived from the Greek peri for about, near, or around. Perianth (peri-anth): The outer part of a flower that encloses its reproductive parts is called the perianth. The perianth of a flower includes the sepals and petals in angiosperms .