Che significa terra irredenta?

Che significa terra irredenta?
– Non redento; in partic., in senso politico, di territorî o popolazioni non ancora riunite alla madrepatria e soggette a dominio straniero; per antonomasia, delle terre (Trentino-Alto Adige , Venezia Giulia , Fiume, Dalmazia ) e delle popolazioni rimaste soggette all'Austria dopo la terza guerra d'indipendenza (1866).
What is the meaning of irredentism in history?
- Definition of irredentism. : a political principle or policy directed toward the incorporation of irredentas within the boundaries of their historically or ethnically related political unit. Other Words from irredentism Example Sentences Learn More about irredentism.
Is the word 'greater' irredentistic?
- The use of "Greater" does not always convey an irredentistic meaning. Argentina has claimed land that used to be part of, or was associated with, the Spanish territory of the Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata. The viceroyalty began to dissolve into separate independent states in the early 19th century, one of which later became Argentina.
What is the origin of the Italian word 'irredentino'?
- The word (from Italian irredento for "unredeemed") was coined in Italy from the phrase Italia irredenta ("unredeemed Italy"). This originally referred to rule by Austria-Hungary over territories mostly or partly inhabited by ethnic Italians, such as Trentino, Trieste, Gorizia, Istria, Fiume and Dalmatia during the 19th and early 20th centuries.
How do you justify irredentist claims?
- Irredentism. Many states formalize their irredentist claims by including them in their constitutional documents, or through other means of legal enshrinement. Such territorial claims are justified on the basis of real or imagined national notions of historic territorial, religious or ethnic affiliations.