Cosa sono le pratiche tantriche?


Cosa sono le pratiche tantriche?

Cosa sono le pratiche tantriche?

Si tratta di un insieme di dottrine e di pratiche millenarie volte all'espansione dell'ordinario stato di coscienza. Tantra yoga, massaggio tantrico, meditazione tantrica: sono pratiche strettamente connesse. Rimandano tutte a quegli strumenti che si sviluppano per estendere la coscienza umana.

Chi pratica il tantra?

Il tantra (tantrismo) è piuttosto un insieme di concetti tradizionali, esoterici, spirituali della religione induista e della filosofia buddista – che hanno interagito significativamente intorno al VI secolo dC. ... Nel buddismo invece, è la tradizione Vajrayana ad essere nota per le sue idee e pratiche tantriche.

What is Tantra and how can it help you?

  • Like yoga, tantra is all about physical and spiritual awareness. When you learn and practice tantra, you become more in-tune with your body, what gives it pleasure, and the way it feels pleasure.

What are some misconceptions about tantra?

  • Another misconception around tantra is that it’s always necessary to have a partner. While many couples practice tantric sex together, it can also be an individual practice. In reality, genital contact or intercourse doesn’t even have to happen to have a tantric experience.

Is your partner open to Tantra?

  • If your partner is open to tantra, seek out a teacher who can guide you both as you learn more about the practice. Tantra is a spiritual practice, which means your mind comes into play as much as your body. When you practice tantra, you’re connecting your body, mind, and soul.

What does it take to become a Tantrika?

  • As a beginner practitioner a tantrika would first of all develop and adhere to a daily spiritual practice that includes techniques from Tantra Yoga, Tantric Meditation, and pranayama, and could additionally supplement with exercises from Tantric Sexuality and Tantra Massage.

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