Quanto costa il biglietto Villa San Giovanni Messina con auto?

Quanto costa il biglietto Villa San Giovanni Messina con auto?
Le tariffe per i veicoli (compresi fino a 5 passeggeri) partono da 38,00 € per la sola andata ( o A\R in giornata) a 75,00€ per un biglietto A\R entro 90 giorni. Il costo del biglietto dei camper parte da 56,00 € e comprende fino a 5 passeggeri, per le moto è di 14,00 €.
How do I get from Villa San Giovanni to Messina?
- Villa San Giovanni to Messina is a popular route, so we advise you to book as soon as possible. Villa San Giovanni is the main connection between Italy and Sicily, and is a popular, bustling port with superb connections into central and northern Italy for Sicilians via the train station.
What happened to Villa San Giovanni in Italy?
- On 28 December 1908 a powerful earthquake in the Strait of Messina killed 698 people in Villa San Giovanni, almost 10% of the then population. The last decades of the sixteenth century saw the rise in the small coastal villages, such as Cannitello and Pezzo, inhabited mostly by sailors and fishermen.
How much does it cost to stay in Messina?
- There are 215+ hotels available in Messina. Prices start at €87 per night. What companies run services between Villa San Giovanni and Messina? Blue Jet operates a ferry from Villa San Giovanni to Messina Marittima hourly. Tickets cost €3 and the journey takes 20 min. Trenitalia also services this route hourly.
What to do in Messina?
- Messina is a great point to stop by before heading to explore other wonders of island of Sicily. Villa San Giovanni is the main connection between Italy and Sicily, and is a popular, bustling port with superb connections into central and northern Italy for Sicilians via the train station.