Come si diventa maestro Jedi?

Come si diventa maestro Jedi?
La pazienza è fondamentale per un Jedi. Non dovresti irritarti o preoccuparti sempre....Impara a memoria il codice dei Jedi.
- Non c'è emozione, c'è pace.
- Non c'è ignoranza, c'è conoscenza.
- Non c'è caos, c'è armonia.
- Non c'è inquietudine, c'è serenità.
- Non c'è morte, c'è la Forza.
Come diventare un Sith?
Il periodo di addestramento di un apprendista Sith ha fine con la sua morte o con l'assassinio del maestro per sua mano, per poi prendere un apprendista a sua volta, raggiungendo così il rango di Maestro Sith.
What does it mean to be a Jedi Master?
- A Jedi Master was a Jedi Knight who had been offered a higher ranking within Jedi Order as a result of a Jedi Grand Master seeing the Knight fit for the position. Often groups of Jedi younglings would receive their early education in the ways of the Force under the guidance of a single Jedi Master.
Who are the Jedi Grand Masters of the high Republic?
- Other masters of High Republic Era included Jora Malli, Stellan Gios, Sskeer, Oppo Rancisis, Yarael Poof, and Avar Kriss. As one of the oldest Jedi Masters in the order's history, Yoda, over the course of his 800-year-long career as a Jedi Master, trained no fewer than 20,000 Jedi and held the position of Jedi Grand Master for over 200 years.
Who can sit on the Jedi High Council?
- Reserved for those who had shown exceptional devotion and skill as well as balance in the Force and often combat, only individuals who had been given the rank of Master could sit on the Jedi High Council, with few exceptions (such as the case of Anakin Skywalker or Ki-Adi-Mundi ), or any of the three other Councils.
How did Jorus C'baoth become a Jedi Master?
- One well-known example of this practice was the ascension to mastery by Jedi Jorus C'baoth; indeed even his clone, Joruus C'baoth, would also claim himself a Jedi Master. Luke Skywalker was forced to promote himself due to the simple fact that there were no senior Jedi alive to grant him the rank formally.