Cosa vuol dire Binary?

Cosa vuol dire Binary?
le Detto di persona che rifiuta lo schema binario maschile-femminile nel genere sessuale e, a prescindere dal sesso attribuito alla nascita, non riconosce di appartenere al genere maschile né a quello femminile.
Cosa vuol dire Binary e non Binary?
Il termine non binario (in inglese: genderqueer oppure nonbinary, non-binary, o enby dall'abbreviazione "NB") è un termine ombrello per definire quelle identità di genere che sono al di fuori del cosiddetto binarismo di genere, ovvero non strettamente e completamente maschili o femminili.
What is binary, and why do computers use it?
- Computers use binary numbers because they have circuits which are either on or off, which gives them two states to work from to make calculations and run processes. The two-digit, or base 2, number system is much easier for the computer to process with the circuits they have.
What is binary used for?
- The binary system is used for the same reason as the decimal ... for counting. Of course, it has usages outside of counting. Binary is most well known for being used in computers. Each bit(a storage module) has two values it can represent, 1 or 0.
What is binary define?
- 1. adjective [usu ADJ n] The binary system expresses numbers using only the two digits 0 and 1. Binary is the binary system of expressing numbers. made up of two parts or things; twofold; double designating or of a number system in which the base used is two, each number being expressed in powers of two by using only two digits, specif.
Why use binary system?
- The binary system is mostly used in computing because computers store their information in binary. All data, including the numbers and instructions are represented as 0 and 1 in the machine. The basic operations of the microprocessor are also performed in binary.