Cosa erano i Tartari?

Cosa erano i Tartari?
Tatari (o Tartari; russo Tatary) Popolazioni turche della Russia meridionale, del Caucaso e dell'Iran. Prendono il nome da Tātar, designazione data in Occidente dapprima ai Mongoli di Genghiz khān e in seguito alle genti turche, o turchizzate di diversa origine, che costituirono l'Orda d'oro (➔ orda).
Dove si trova la Tartaria?
Asia La Tartaria (in latino: Tartaria) o Grande Tartaria (dal latino:Tartaria Magna) era una regione storica dell'Asia situata tra il Mar Caspio, i Monti Urali e l'Oceano Pacifico.
Chi sono i Tartari dove vivevano?
I Tatari (o anche Tartari; in lingua tatara: Татарлар) sono un gruppo etnico di origine turca della Russia. Il nome deriva da Ta-ta o Dada, una tribù di origine turca che abitava le steppe a nord dell'odierna Mongolia già nel V secolo.
What is Tartaria or Tartary?
- Then you find Tartaria or more commonly known as Tartary. Dipping your nose inside the idea that is Tartary, many things that are taken as sacrosanct are thrown into total and complete disarray.
What happened to Tartaria?
- A country that once seemed to be world known is now forgotten, buried in the sands of time. Tartaria, Tartary, or Grand Tartaria has been troubling online researchers as they dig in old maps dating back as far as to the 15th century.
Where is Tartary located on the world map?
- In 1852 the Chinese Empire consists of Mongolia, China bordering with Tartary on the west and the Russian empire on the north. According to a 1875 map, Independent Tartary is located east of the Caspian sea, where modern Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan are.
What is the history of the Tartarians?
- So, the bottom line from the Mongolian and Russian history is that the Tartarian tribes existed since the 4–5th century AD. Genghis Khan united some of these nations and created the Mongol Empire in the 1200s. When he died the empire was divided in Khanates where his sons & grandsons ruled.