Come vedere i miei voucher Ryanair?

Come vedere i miei voucher Ryanair?
Voucher regalo
- I voucher regalo non sono rimborsabili e sono riscattabili su e
- Il tuo voucher e' valido fino a quando non sia completamente riscattato , prima comunque della data di scadenza.
Come creare voucher Ryanair?
Crea il tuo Voucher Regalo
- Scegli il tema del voucher.
- Scegli un importo. Il voucher può essere utilizzato per diverse prenotazioni fino al totale esaurimento del relativo importo. Valuta. Seleziona importo.
- Includi un messaggio speciale. Messaggio personale (opzionale) Caratteri rimanenti: 100.
Do Ryanair gift vouchers expire?
- Yes they do expire. Gift vouchers are valid for 12 months after the issue date and they can redeemed within that time on The validity of gift vouchers can't be extended. Buy Gift Vouchers here. There is an administration fee of €2/£2 (or local currency equivalent) on gift vouchers.
Why can't I get my Ryanair refund?
- In some cases, unauthorised, screen scraping travel websites are blocking customers from receiving their Ryanair refunds.
Are Ryanair's terms & conditions governed by local law?
- Except as otherwise provided by applicable law, your contract with Ryanair and these Terms & Conditions shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with your local laws.
Why does Ryanair use cookies on my website?
- By clicking “Yes, I agree”, you agree to Ryanair using cookies to improve your browsing experience, to personalise content, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. We may also share information with our advertising, analytics and social media partners for their own purposes.