Qual è il colesterolo cattivo LDL HDL?

Qual è il colesterolo cattivo LDL HDL?
Colesterolo buono HDL: maggiore di 50 mg/dl. Colesterolo cattivo LDL: Valore ottimale inferiore a 100 mg/dl; Valore quasi ottimale compreso fra 1 mg/dl.
Cosa vuol dire LDL?
Le lipoproteine a bassa densità (Low Density Lipoprotein, LDL) sono particelle lipoproteiche composte da colesterolo, sostanze simili e una ridotta quantità di proteine.
How to lower your elevated LDL cholesterol?
- Aerobic exercise, or cardio workouts, is a form of exercise that helps strengthen your heart and lungs. And besides keeping you trim, studies show that aerobic exercise can also help lower cholesterol levels. (30) Walking, running and cycling are just a few easy ways to get in your daily dose of cardio.
What is considered high cholesterol LDL?
- LDL cholesterol can build up on the walls of your arteries and increase your chances of getting heart disease. That is why LDL cholesterol is referred to as "bad" cholesterol. The lower your LDL cholesterol number, the lower your risk. If your LDL is 190 or more, it is considered very high.
What does it mean when your LDL cholesterol is high?
- LDL is considered "bad" cholesterol, and it's negative reputation is well-earned. A high LDL means you are at higher risk for serious diseases. That's because LDL contributes to plaque buildups in your arteries, a condition known as atherosclerosis.