Come inizia Pretty little liars?

Come inizia Pretty little liars?
Rosewood, Pennsylvania. Un gruppo molto affiatato di cinque migliori amiche (Hanna, Emily, Aria, Spencer e Alison) trascorrono insieme il weekend del Labor Day. Durante la notte, però, Alison scompare misteriosamente. Avendo perso la loro "ape regina", le altre quattro amiche si allontanano e il gruppo si sgretola.
Is Pretty Little Liars a scary show?
- In short pretty little liars is rated a 12, although in the earlier seasons there are more 'scary' things ( like a body being hung by a rope round it's neck and blood) it's mainly psychological. The idea that somone is always there and knows everything, who has all power over you (stalking) plays with your mind.
What TV network does Pretty Little Liars come on?
- Broadcast. Pretty Little Liars premiered on J in the United States, becoming ABC Family's highest-rated series debut on record across the network's target demographics. It ranked number one in key 12–34 demos and teens, becoming the number-one scripted show in Women 18–34, and Women 18–49.
Where can you watch Pretty Little Liars?
- You read that right: with HBO Max, you can watch Pretty Little Liars from the beginning and catch all the jaw-dropping, iconic moments that the show is famous for, including the secret behind who the mysterious A is.
Which Pretty Little Liars season is the best?
- Although it is very difficult to decide which season is the best, this is a list of Pretty Little Liars seasons ranked from best to worst. Season 7 This is the best season of Pretty Little Liars as it contains everything including mystery, thrill, drama, romance, and action. This is when the real game began.