Come recuperare la CartaFRECCIA?

Come recuperare la CartaFRECCIA?
Come faccio a richiedere un premio? Per richiedere i premi hai bisogno del solo codice CartaFRECCIA, puoi richiederlo al call center 89.20.21 (a pagamento) oppure recuperare la user- id e la password dell'area riservata di, attraverso la funzione di recupero password.
How do I connect to Frecciarossa or Frecciargento WiFi?
- If it’s the first time you connect to the onboard Frecciarossa or Frecciargento WiFi service, follow these steps: Activate the WiFi on your device and select " WiFi Frecciarossa ” (if on board a Frecciarossa train) or “ WiFi Frecciargento " (if on a Frecciargento) network from the available connections list.
What is the Frecciabianca network?
- The Frecciabianca network connects medium and large cities, ensuring a high level of rail coverage: from Genoa and the cities of the Ligurian and Tuscan coasts to Italy’s capital; from Rome to Rimini, passing through Umbria and the Marche regions
How many coaches are there in a Frecciabianca train?
- Regular Frecciabianca trains run on the Turin/Milan/Venice – Adriatic Coast route. They are made up of 9 coaches, 2 of which are 1st Class and 7 are 2nd Class (including 1 coach with the café/bar area), for a total of 605 seats.
What is the Frecciarossa portal?
- The FRECCE portal is an online portal available on board all Frecciarossa and Frecciargento trains, through which you can take advantage of entertainment services such as movies, TV programmes music, news and travel information. All the services of the FRECCE portal are free.