A quale fiore corrisponde il nome Chiara?


A quale fiore corrisponde il nome Chiara?

A quale fiore corrisponde il nome Chiara?

Il fiore corrispondente a Chiara è il Tulipano.

Quando Santa Clara?

11 agosto Santa Clara L'onomastico di Clara si festeggia, come quello di Chiara, l'11 agosto in ricordo di santa Chiara d'Assisi, seguace di san Francesco e fondatrice dell'ordine delle clarisse.

What does Chiara mean in Italian?

  • Chiara as a girls' name is pronounced kee-AH-ra. It is of Italian and Latin origin, and the meaning of Chiara is "bright, famous". Variant of Clara. Name of several Italian saints, most notably Clare of Assisi (13th century), and follower of Francis of Assisi and founder of the order of nuns known as the Poor Clares.

What does Chiara mean?

  • Italian Meaning: The name Chiara is an Italian baby name. In Italian the meaning of the name Chiara is: Light. The name Chiara is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Chiara is: Dark.

What does the name Chiarina mean?

  • Chiarina as a girls' name has the meaning "bright, famous". Chiarina is a version of Chiara (Italian, Latin): variant spelling of Clara. STARTS/ENDS WITH Chi-, -na ASSOCIATED WITH bright (light)

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