Did Howard Wolowitz wear a wig?

Did Howard Wolowitz wear a wig?
Howard's rigid, helmet-like 'do almost seems too good to be true, but Helberg says he's not donning any fake follicles. "I don't wear a wig," he said. "Not yet. My hair is flat-ironed, however."What is his favorite episode?
What is Howard from Big Bang Theory doing now?
However, the actor will not be heading back to television with his first gig after the long-running CBS sitcom ended. Instead, Simon Helberg has joined the cast of a musical romance film called Annette. ... The actor has become a household name thanks to playing the sometimes smarmy Howard Wolowitz on The Big Bang Theory.
How old is Howard in big bang theory?
According to Chuck Lorre, Howard is the one of the gang that changed the least over the years, even looking nearly the same at 50 years of age as he did in 2019.
Is Howard Wolowitz a scientist?
Biography. Howard is an aerospace engineer at Caltech's Department of Applied Physics and an ex-astronaut for NASA who is often seen at the apartment of Leonard Hofstadter (Johnny Galecki) and Sheldon Cooper (Jim Parsons). He is best friends with Rajesh Koothrappali (Kunal Nayyar).
How tall is Bernadette Big Bang Theory?
4' 10" Bernadette is a very short woman. She is 4' 10" (1.47 m) (even shorter than both Leonard and Howard), with blonde hair, pale creamy skin,and blue eyes.
When did Howard and Bernadette break up?
Season 4. "The Hot Troll Deviation"- It is revealed that Howard and Bernadette broke up because she caught Howard having cyber-sex on World of Warcraft with Glacinda the Troll. Howard convinces Penny to help him to get Bernadette to talk to him. After he apologizes, they got back together.
What is Leonard's IQ?
173 Leonard (Johnny Galecki) states that the combined IQ of Sheldon (Jim Parsons) and himself is 360. In a later episode of season 1 Sheldon states his IQ as 187 meaning that Leonard's IQ is 173.