Come si arriva a Tristan de Cunha?


Come si arriva a Tristan de Cunha?

Come si arriva a Tristan de Cunha?

Per arrivare sull'isola bisogna prendere un volo per Città del Capo, in Sudafrica. L'ultimo tratto, infine, è percorribile solo via mare, ma Tristan da Cunha non è su rotte turistiche o commerciali.

Dove si trova l'isola Tristan da Cunha?

Africa Situata in pieno Oceano Atlantico Meridionale, quasi a metà tra Africa e coste sudamericane, l'isola e il suo omonimo arcipelago si trovano infatti a 2,432 km dal luogo popolato più vicino, Cape Town, in Sudafrica, e 3,486 km dalle Isole Falkland. È anche questo a rendere Tristan da Cunha un luogo unico nel suo genere.

Where is Tristan da Cunha located?

  • Tristan da Cunha is a group of islands located in the southern Atlantic Ocean , between the continents of Africa and South America . The main island of the group is known also as Tristan da Cunha and is often considered to be the world’s most remote inhabited island. Just 269 people live on this isolated wildlife haven.

Where is the island of Tristan?

  • Tristan is an active volcanic island with rare wildlife and home to 244 British Citizens living in the world's most isolated settlement of Edinburgh of the Seven Seas, far from the madding crowd in the South Atlantic Ocean. See the Site Map for links to all our web pages.

Can the outer world hold a candle to Tristan da Cunha?

  • They tried it once from 19 and discovered that the outer world cannot hold a candle to Tristan da Cunha. Edmund Roberts, a 19th century visitor to Tristan da Cunha, on first sighting the island, described how its towering snow-clad mountains lit up in the morning sunlight.

What are the peculiarities of Tristan da Cunha pronunciation?

  • Another interesting peculiarity of Tristan da Cunha pronunciation is the glottalization of stops, such as the medial consonant in button, bottle and people. Perhaps even more peculiar is the extensive h-insertion in words like [h]apple and [h]after; it also makes the pronunciation of island nondistinct from that of highland.

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