Cosa cambia tra circuito Maestro e bancomat?

Cosa cambia tra circuito Maestro e bancomat?
Le carte di pagamento recanti il logo Maestro vengono generalmente collegate al conto corrente del titolare della carta stessa; più raramente, invece, si tratta di carte prepagate, ricaricabili all'occorrenza. ...
What is a VPay®?
- What is VPay®? VPay is a total business-to-business payment solution for your claim payments currently being printed and mailed. We manage all the payment preferences (check, ACH and virtual card) for your Payees and provide an impactful ROI by eliminating print and mail costs as well as banking fees. What is a VCard®?
How do I process a vCard with a payee?
- A Payee processes a VCard just like any other card-not-present transaction: enter the 16-digit card number, enter the security code, enter the expiration date and enter the amount. What if a Payee doesn't accept credit cards?
What is a virtuala vCard?
- A VCard is a virtual card that replaces checks and allows your Payees to receive electronic payments via the MasterCard network. Does VPay require changes to my Claim System? No, VPay is an outsourced payment process based on your current payment file output.
What percentage of my payments will be converted to a vCard?
- Depending on the market (Healthcare, Worker’s Compensation, Service Contracts, etc.), you can expect to see 50-100% of your payments converted to a VCard. How do I track my payments with VPay?