Come muoiono gli Stark?

Come muoiono gli Stark?
Accusato ingiustamente di tradimento, Ned Stark viene decapitato per volontà del perfido Joffrey.
Chi ha ucciso Robert Stark?
Roose Bolton Roose Bolton uccide Robb.
How many people have died on 'Game of Thrones'?
- Whether it was Joffrey's poisoning, Oberyn's “mind-blowing” end, or Tywin's unglamorous death in the bathroom, “Game of Thrones” proved it could still shock viewers four seasons in. Prior to Season 5, season 4 had boasted the highest body count: a whopping 181 deaths. The Battle of Castle Black was responsible for 86.
Who killed the Night King on 'Game of Thrones'?
- Thousands died (including this reporter’s sanity), but Arya Stark came in as the MVP at the last minute and slew the Night King. After all, what do we say to the God of Death?
What happened to Viserion on 'Game of Thrones'?
- Viserion’s death, however, was a game changer. His untimely end and subsequent resurrection as a wight single-handedly gave the army of the dead a way past The Wall, setting up the epic human-vs.-wight war the show has been foreshadowing for years.
What happened in the first season of Game of Thrones?
- The season that started it all. When Ned Stark, the main hero and character supposedly least at risk, was beheaded, viewers everywhere realized that no one was safe. Characters are organized according to level of importance: Major, secondary major, minor and background extra.