A cosa è dovuta la deflazione?
- A cosa è dovuta la deflazione?
- Come si misura la deflazione?
- Cosa succede se si svaluta la moneta?
- What is the concept of debt deflation?
- Are all episodes of deflation associated with poor economic growth?
- What is the solution to debt deflation according to Fisher?
- What caused structural deflation in the late 1800s?

A cosa è dovuta la deflazione?
La deflazione deriva dalla debolezza della domanda di beni e servizi, cioè un freno nella spesa di consumatori e aziende, che, in regime di deflazione, sono incentivati a posporre gli acquisti di beni e servizi non indispensabili, con l'aspettativa di ulteriori cali dei prezzi, con l'effetto di innescare una spirale ...
Come si misura la deflazione?
Per misurare tale incremento si utilizza il tasso di inflazione ricavato in base a una formula matematica che permette di confrontare i prezzi di uno stesso bene in due diversi anni.
Cosa succede se si svaluta la moneta?
In economia la svalutazione è la perdita di valore di una moneta nei confronti di una o più monete (in regime di cambi fissi); quando invece ci si trova in regime di cambi variabili si parla di deprezzamento della moneta.
What is the concept of debt deflation?
- Debt deflation. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Debt deflation is a theory that recessions and depressions are due to the overall level of debt rising in real value because of deflation, causing people to default on their consumer loans and mortgages.
Are all episodes of deflation associated with poor economic growth?
- Historically not all episodes of deflation correspond with periods of poor economic growth. Productivity and deflation are discussed in a 1940 study by the Brookings Institution that gives productivity by major US industries from 19, along with real and nominal wages.
What is the solution to debt deflation according to Fisher?
- Fisher viewed the solution to debt deflation as reflation – returning the price level to the level it was prior to deflation – followed by price stability, which would break the "vicious spiral" of debt deflation.
What caused structural deflation in the late 1800s?
- A structural deflation existed from the 1870s until the cycle upswing that started in 1895. The deflation was caused by the decrease in the production and distribution costs of goods. It resulted in competitive price cuts when markets were oversupplied.