Dove crescono i linfomi?

Dove crescono i linfomi?
Nel linfoma i linfociti crescono in modo incontrollato e si accumulano nei linfonodi e talvolta nel fegato, nella milza e all'interno delle ossa (nel midollo osseo). I linfomi non-Hodgkin sono un gruppo di molti linfomi diversi.
What causes Hodgkin lymphoma?
- Causes - Hodgkin lymphoma. Hodgkin lymphoma is caused by a change (mutation) in the DNA of a type of white blood cell called B lymphocytes , although the exact reason why this happens isn't known. The DNA gives the cells a basic set of instructions, such as when to grow and reproduce.
What is classical Hodgkin lymphoma?
- Classical Hodgkin lymphoma is an older term used to describe a group of four common types of Hodgkin disease. Together they comprise more than 95 percent of all Hodgkin disease in developed countries. Nodular Sclerosing Hodgkin Lymphoma (NSHL) - This is the most common variety of Hodgkin lymphoma in developed countries.