Come capire se si ha tumore al colon?


Come capire se si ha tumore al colon?

Come capire se si ha tumore al colon?

I sintomi del cancro del colon- retto sono:

  1. presenza di sangue (di colore rosso chiaro oppure scuro) nelle o sulle feci;
  2. modificazione dell'attività intestinale ( costipazione o diarrea) senza motivo per più di sei settimane;
  3. perdita di peso senza motivo;
  4. dolore localizzato all'addome o all' ano ;

How do you remove a tumor from the colon?

  • Depending on the size and extent of spread of the cancer, patients may need to undergo a surgery, removing part or all of the colon, in order to remove the tumor. For some patients, an ileostomy or colostomy may be needed, which diverts bowel content into an external bag.

What are the types of colon cancer tumors?

  • Adenocarcinoma - Develops in the cells of the mucus-producing glands that lubricate the large intestine (most common)
  • Gastrointestinal carcinoid tumor - Starts in the specialized hormone-producing cells in the large intestine
  • Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) - Forms in the interstitial cells of Cajal in the digestive tract

What does it mean to bleed out from colon cancer?

  • Rectal bleeding is a symptom common to both colon cancer and hemorrhoids. In the case of hemorrhoids, bleeding occurs when hard stool presses against the swollen hemorrhoid, causing it to bleed. Similarly, patients with colon cancer also report rectal bleeding.

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