Quanto costa l'abbonamento Virgin?
Quanto costa l'abbonamento Virgin?
Il costo dell'Abbonamento Digitale in formula mensile è di 14,90 euro al mese che sarà rinnovato tacitamente, salvo disdetta. L'Abbonamento Digitale in formula annuale ha un costo annuo di 149,00 euro. L'importo ti sarà addebitato su carta di credito al momento della conclusione della procedura di acquisto.
How much does Anytime Fitness membership cost?
- Anytime Fitness Price | Membership Fees & Cost Anytime Fitness Monthly Membership cost Anytime Fitness Monthly Membership cost One Person One Person Initiation Fee $49.99 Monthly Fee $38.99 One-Time Key Fee $35.00 ...
What kind of training is available at anyanytime fitness?
- Anytime Fitness has lots of training options available. Personal Training is offered in a one-on-one format lead by a certified personal trainer, providing a very personalized experience. Small group training is similar to personal training, only it’s more fun as there are typically 2-4 people in a session.
Does Anytime Fitness have reciprocity with other gyms?
- Yes! It’s just one more reason to love Anytime Fitness! However, there is one exception. There is a 30-day delay on reciprocity when you initially begin your membership. Aside from that, you will have access to all gyms at any location and can work out at any gym you choose.
Can I work out around the world with Anytime Fitness?
- Yes, globetrotter! When you are a part of the Anytime Fitness family, you can work out at gyms nationwide AND around the globe thanks to our worldwide club access. Think of it as a global membership plan. I lost my key fob. What should I do?